AIRFOIL: It's the cross-section of an airplane wing.

so in this post, you can understand the basic terms used in airfoil design.
consider the wing of the airplane, the cross-section of the wing ( i.e airfoil)is obtained by the intersection of plane perpendicular with the wing of an airplane, as shown below:

Leading-edge: the first edge of the airfoil to meet the oncoming air is called the leading edge.

Trailing edge: the last edge that the air touches at it moves past the airfoil is called the trailing edge.

Chord: the straight line connecting the leading edge and trailing edge of an airfoil is termed as chord or chord line.

Mean camber line: It is the imaginary line that passes through the height wise midpoint of the airfoil.

Camber: the distance between the mean camber line and the chord is called camber.

Aspect ratio: It is the ratio of span to the mean chord. and it is equal to the ratio of the square of wingspan to the wing area. higher the aspect ratio the long narrow wing it will be.

what creates lift?
the camber of airfoil plays a major role in generating lift for an aircraft. because the surfaces are curved and parallel. the upper area varies with the lower area of an airfoil. as airflow past the airfoil, the air has to move with the greater velocity at the upper area(because the upper area is considered as larger area) with low pressure.and opposite to it is applied to the lower section of an airfoil. thus creating a pressure difference across the airfoil, it generates lift.


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